1-318-478-0394 (text/call)
Price List
Estimate for cost of service. Prices are subject to change. Payment is due at time of service.
Farm Call
The farm call is mile dependent. If you are unsure how many miles you are away from Spearsville, please contact us. We will split costs between clients at one location.
0-20 miles; $65
20-30 miles; $90
30-40 miles; $130
40-50 miles; $150
50+ please contact us
Exams are for individual patients. If you have 2+ animals to examine, you will have 2+ exam fees.
Horses and cattle: $55
Sheep, goats, pigs: $50
Chickens: $35
Recheck: $25
Pre-purchase: $200
Teeth Floating
See services page for more information
$150 per horse, which includes a complimentary examination and IV sedation.
Emergency Services
The emergency fee is in addition to the regular exam fee.
$175 per Non-client after hours
$125 per client after hours
$50 per patient during normal business hours
Normal business hours are Monday through Friday 9 am- 5 pm
Additional fees may be present during holidays.
*A client is described as someone who we have seen in the last 12 months for scheduled appointments, like routine care and urgent care. If I only see you for emergencies, then you would not be considered a client.*
Herd Work
We charge a flat fee for services when working with a herd of animals.
$150/hour includes pregnancy palpation, vaccinations, deworming, castrations, examinations, etc.
What it does not include: supplies, like the vaccines and medications used, and testing, like pregnancy blood tests or tests for diseases.
All castrations include pain medication, sedation, sterile surgery, careful intra-op and post-op monitoring, and a tetanus booster.
Horse less than 3 years old: $250
Horse more than 3 years old: $300
Goat: $100
Cattle more than 6 months old: $100
Pig (clean and glued shut for show or pigs at risk for hernias): $100
Tests and 4H/FFA Show Stock
Traveling is an important part of our lives when we have farm animals. We're here to help you streamline the process.
$35 Coggins (1 week estimated time, digital only)
$80 Next Day Coggins (Digital only)
$40 CVI (Health Papers- Digital only)
$30 4H/FFA CVI (Health Papers- Digital only)
$20 Pseudorabies testing (Pigs)
$10 Bangs testing (Pigs)
* 4H/ FFA testing DOES NOT include shipping or lab accession fees. They vary from a total of $25 to $100 per client, depending on lab requirements.
Alternative Medicine
We support whole-health of our patients. Chiropractic and acupuncture therapy can help your horse feel significantly better.
$120 per session
6 sessions for $500
(paid up front, does not have to be for the same patient)
$125 for the first session
$100 for additional sessions
6 sessions for $550
(paid up front)
Equine Annuals
Vaccines are an important part of equine health. They prevent fatal diseases. Vaccines need to be boostered annually.
$100 Basic Equine Wellness
*Core Vaccines: Rabies, EWT + WN
*Complimentary examination
$120 Premium Equine Wellness
*Core Vaccines: Rabies, EWT + WN
*Flu/Rhino Vaccine
*Complimentary Examination