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Call us today to schedule an appointment or if you have an emergency for your farm animals. We do not offer services for dogs and cats.

X-Ray Results

Emergency/ Urgent Care

I offer a limited, but growing range of emergency medicine at this time. If you have a large animal emergency, you can contact me and I will let you know my availability and potential costs. 

If you have a dog/cat emergency, please contact your regular veterinarian or an emergency clinic, like Premier Emergency Services in Monroe, LA. 


If you have an equine emergency that I cannot treat or if I am unable to respond to you in a timely manner, please contact Red River Equine Hospital in Benton, LA. or LSU Vet School.

Image by Christina Victoria Craft

Online Pharmacy

Since we're mobile, we keep a limited inventory on hand. We offer an online pharmacy for your convenience to order as much of a medication as you need! 

*In order to fill prescriptions for your pet, we need to have seen them within the last year.

Click this link to go to our pharmacy website!


Image by Magdalena Smolnicka

Teeth Floating

AAEP recommends that horses receive an oral examination annually to make sure that their teeth are healthy and wearing properly. During a teeth float, I check the alignment of the teeth and how easily they slide against each other. I look for any loose or infected teeth that may need to be pulled and reduce any sharp points, hooks, or ramps.


Horses that are losing weight, having trouble eating (quidding hay/grass), fighting the bit, or having difficulty turning to the left or right may be experiencing oral pain. A thorough examination is the first step towards helping your horse feel their best!

Horse Legs


I offer basic lameness evaluations and treatment options, like joint injections. Radiology is a large part of diagnosing lameness, so I offer mobile x-rays to better treat our patients. I am up front with my expectations for patients and will refer if I feel that another treatment or diagnostic option would be better suited for your horse.

Traditional Chinese Medicine


Acupuncture is the use of needles and other methods into specific points on the body to produce a healing response. Each point has a specific action when stimulated based where it is located. This technique has been used in China for thousands of years to treat many diseases and as a preventative measure in both pets and people.  Today, it is used all over the world along with Western medicine to treat a variety of conditions.  Acupuncture will not cure every condition, but it can work very well when it is indicated.


Examples of situations where acupuncture would be beneficial include: 

  1. Arthritis and chronic musculoskeletal pain

  2. Acute and chronic IVDD (disc disease in the neck and back)

  3. Traumatic nerve injuries, like facial nerve paralysis or "roaring" (laryngeal paralysis) 

  4. Respiratory problems, such as feline asthma or equine asthma

  5. Skin problems such as lick granulomas and allergic dermatitis

  6. Gastrointestinal problems, like chronic diarrhea , gastric ulcers, or acute colic (will not cure a surgical colic)

  7. Selected reproductive problems, like infertility in mares

Image by Keith Luke

Medical Manipulation

More commonly referred to as chiropractic manipulation, medical manipulation refers to the technique that uses range of motion to find restrictions in an area and adjust the soft tissue structures that are restricting their joints from moving properly.  Manipulation can help improve range of motion in joints and soft tissue and can help nerves regain their full function after being "pinched." Regular sessions of medical manipulation can keep your horse performing at their best and can be the difference between first and second place in a competition.

Many lay-people offer medical manipulation that do not have the appropriate training. Only human chiropractors (DCs) and veterinarians (DVMs) can legally manipulate a horse after taking a specific course in veterinary medical manipulation.  Please be cautious when looking for a chiropractor for your horse. I was trained at IVMI in Florida in the 6 month long equine medical manipulation course provided only for veterinarians.



Starting in 2025, I will be offering artificial insemination for horses from February 1 to June 30. Equine breeding can be a big commitment. I'm here to help streamline the process and help you create future family members.

Cow and Piglet


I am here to help you manage your herd's health and well being. I offer annual examinations that can include their annual bloodwork and vaccinations.  As a veterinarian, I can help diagnose and manage diseases, like Cushing's disease or founder, and discuss and manage herd health.

Image by Stainless Images

End of Life Care

Many of our pets are part of our lives for a long time. It can be very difficult to know when the time is right to let them cross the Rainbow Bridge. I can help you manage their pain and disease processes until their quality of life is decreasing. When that time comes, I can offer a painless and peaceful passing.

Image by Zosia Korcz

Additional Services

We also offer: 

  • Surgeries, like castrations or wound repairs

  • Medical colics

  • Eye injuries

  • Pre purchase exams (including radiographs)

  • Health certificates (CVIs)

  • Coggins, including next day options

  • And more! Contact us for more information about the specific service that you're interested in.

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Service Range

Spearsville, LA 71277, USA

1-318-478-0394 (text/call)

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